Friday, May 9, 2008


Project365 has been moved!
*New blog *
Click here, be sure to change your links!
This blog will no longer be updated, but will remain here for the time being :)


Hey guys!

I have made a decision - I'm going to {smush} my Project365 blog with my Boys blog. Why? 1) Lack of time means I have a ton of pics of the boys that I never get posted on thier blog and that makes me sad! 2) I simply wanna focus on my little men! My business blog is totally seperate and will always will be, but my Project365 is all for me and so I'm making it a "my boys" theme - if it works out well then I'll just keep it up!! AND I think I might make another typepad blog for it - with my business blog being typepad I wanna make everything as quick and easy as I possibly can and if I can edit in the same place for business and personal? WAHOO - life is easier and I can post even more! PLus the pictures are Huge on Typepad and I love huge pictures!

So, if you stop by here inthe next few days and it's redirecting you, thats why. Thanks for being so uber supportive of me and my work always and all my crazy blogs - you guys totally rock and I love you all :)

xoxoxoxo ~Shell

Wednesday, May 7, 2008



When you come over you simply must see it. Its SO beautfiful! If you have seen the 18x24 picture of the redhead in the hallway? Its even bigger than that in the frame and all, this is 24x36 - so pretty!!! I just love it!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Lady bugs and snow boots...

Oh, my Luke. He is one of a kind, let me tell ya. Today its 79 degree's outside and just lovely. The rain is coming soon, and it is getting cloudy - but so warm and cozy. I walked outside to take a pic for today and out walks my little man - shorts, soccer shirt and snow boots. He loves to wear these boots outside and it cracks me up! He says his feet are "not itchy" in them, so he chooses to wear them, no matter what the temp is. Well, we both sit in the grass and just were soaking in the beautiful day and I just watched him - and grateful I had my camera in hand. He found a lady bug, then picked some flowers and told me a story - just little ole Luke moments. I wish I could freeeze him sometimes so he woudln't grow up. So, I had to post a few more today and share our tiny moments from our afternoon that now, I will get to always remember.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Go-Cart day!

Monday is was so great outside and it was finally a day where all the boys could get the go-cart out and drive around the yard!! If you put some cushions in there Jeremiah can drive it alone - so off he went! I couldn't believe how long he drove around!! He had SOOO much fun and now is counting the days for the next nice day, hehe!

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Sunday I didnt bring my camera again - I just need a camera break on Sundays! But here is a shot of my Lukey from Monday! He was playing basketball since it was SO perfect outside!

Saturday, May 3, 2008



Saturday was SOOOO windy here, and cold! I walked out to get a pic of the day and just about got blown away - this shot is no where near sharp simply because it was impossible to hold still for me or the flower!